296. Avoiding the Advice Trap

Create teams that are self-sufficient, autonomous and who perform at their highest level with Michael Bungay Stanier’s advice and tips. Michael is best known for his books The Coaching Habit and The Advice Trap which focuses on what it takes to tame your Advice Monster. He also founded Box of Crayons, a business that helps organizations move from advice-driven to curiosity-led. There are a lot of pearls of wisdom iour conversation as Michael talks about the elements of leadership and making yourself a more effective team leader. So if you want to up your game in leading your team, this episode is for you.     

In this episode we discuss:

  • [04:11] Micahel talks about his book The Coaching Habit.
  • [05:24] His impetus for writing his books.
  • [06:40] 3 roles you go through as you grow in business.
  • [12:00] Talking through the quote “Curiosity is insubordination in its purest form.”
  • [14:22] How curiosity fits into leadership and how it fits in traditional leadership.
  • [19:24] Pushing authority to the level it best fits in your practice.
  • [22:07] Unwinding your habits.
  • [30:46] Empowering people in your team.
  • [36:17] Things he has learned from going to Oxford.

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